Welcome to the Coors Corridor Sector Plan Project Website!

We’re excited to have you here as we work together to shape the future of the Coors Corridor. This website is your hub for all things related to the proposed Sector Plan. Explore the latest updates, share your ideas, and learn how you can get involved in creating a vibrant, connected, and sustainable corridor that meets the needs of our community. Your input is invaluable in this process, and we look forward to hearing from you as we plan for the future of the Coors Corridor.


The Coors Boulevard Sector Development Plan is intended to create new mixed-use centers along a major transit corridor and within walking distance of nearby neighborhoods. It specifically seeks to promote more affordable housing choices and a range of economic opportunities within the corridor, but particularly within designated Centers defined throughout this planning process. This project compliments a concurrent roadway project, conducted by WSP in 2024-2025, to reimagine a portion of the corridor to be a safer, more walkable, and transit-friendly regional corridor. This plan will define the land use context that is better coordinated for a safer, multi-modal streetscape along Coors.

The Sector Development Plan is a long-range plan that will establish an overall redevelopment vision for the Plan area and specifically addresses following topics:

  • Sustainability implications and practices
  • Land Use / Zoning
  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Economic Development
  • Utilities


The project area consists of approximately 1277 acres and is roughly bounded by Bridge Boulevard SW on the north, Gun Club Road SW on the south, the Amole del Norte Channel on the west, and the Arenal Canal to the east. The area does not include parcels under the City of Albuquerque’s jurisdiction, most notably the Walmart and the Rio Bravo Square commercial Center, both located at the intersection of Coors Blvd and Rio Bravo Blvd and several parcels along the Amole del Norte Channel on the west.

project boundary


The planning process initiated in the summer of 2024 and will be conducted in four major phases:

  • Phase 1: Discovery, initiated in Summer 2024, is conducting fact-finding to determine baseline conditions in conjunction with public engagement to determine corridor issues, needs, and opportunities that the Plan will address.
  • Phase 2: Visioning, occurring in Fall 2024, will utilize a community survey to generate consensus around new goals and policies for the six plan elements (sustainability, land use / zoning, transportation, housing, economic development, and utilities) that will ultimately guide the redevelopment vision of the Plan area.
  • Phase 3: Synthesis, happening in Winter 2024, will develop the content for each of the six plan elements that aim to implement the vision generated in Phase 2. The draft plan generated during this phase is anticipated to be released in January 2025 and will be presented through a public open house.
  • Phase 4: Plan Review / Adoption cycle, anticipated to initiate in early 2025, provides an additional opportunity for the public and governing bodies to review, vet, and ultimately approve the final plan.

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